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Testing Podcasting in Smaller CommunitiesViews: 344
Jun 20, 2007 9:52 pmTesting Podcasting in Smaller Communities#

Penny Haynes
Hello my Podcasting compatriots! I apologize for my absence over the past few months. I never knew things could be this hectic, and I was really busy before! (smile)

I'd love to find out what you all are doing with Podcasting lately. If you still have a podcast running, would you take a minute and post something online, or simply forward your response to penny@1stpod.com? Send me the name of your Podcast, its subject matter, and when you started. Also let me know if it is audio or video.

If you are running a business related to Podcasting, I'd love to know about that, too.

I'm testing out some new concepts related to podcasting, and I'd love some feedback from you guys as well. I'm trying to see if it is possible to introduce podcasting to the masses via smaller community or geographical settings.

We all know that Podcasting is growing, but it is also still basically an unknown to many people. I am testing the waters to see if people will attempt Podcasting if they are introduced to it on a somewhat generic level in a community setting. I'm not even referring to it as podcasting, but as internet radio and tv, or downloadable audio and video.

If you have attempted to bring podcasting to particular niches and smaller communities (especially offline communities), I'd love to know what your experience is. I am of the opinion that people may try it if they feel they have a chance of truly being seen and heard within their "community". There, they can be a bigger fish in a smaller pond, rather than a minnow in the ocean of iTunes.

So, if you are marketing your podcast or podcasting products or services to smaller groups, please let me know how you are doing it. If you are interested in being a part of my "testing" per se, I can give you some materials to help you get in front of your "community" to see how they would respond.

I look forward to hearing from you all. I hope you are having a wonderful summer!

Penny Haynes, Podcasting Consultant
Own Your Own Podcast Directory OR Online Community Magazine
http://PennyHaynes.com, http://1stPodcastPublishing.com

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