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What Social Media & Social Networking Sites are you using?Views: 166
Nov 29, 2008 6:09 pm Re: What Social Media & Social Networking Sites are you using?

Teddy Towncrier

My sense is that using TubeMogul & similar services used to deliver copy to multiple social networking sites could harm one's reputation.

The vigilant among us will recognize the duplicate copy and speaking personally;    It leaves a "spamming" taste in my mouth.

Networking sites, while providing great exposure are a job and can easily consume huge blocks of time.

Initial experiments on Twitter have enabled me to develop strategies to build a respectable FriendForce which encourages me to invest more time to leverage the group into a productive and mutually beneficial unit.

Following close to 2,000 Twitters generates a tremendous Tweet flow and much as I adore my friends;   Catching their posts in the main river is not probable and necessitated a second subscription which I use to catch the posts of a handful of Twitters most likely to be of interest.

If you would like me to repost your work to my friends; Who may repost to theirs;    I'd like to feel that you're seeing and ReTweeting (RT) mine.

I'll probably invest some time in building a presence in a couple of professional networking sites but I haven't discovered any real bang by multiple postings from a single click.

BTW ... I've just revamped my Twitter profile. .... If you like it; I'd like to know. If not I'd like to know that, too. ... and why?


Teddy Towncrier CPP Towncrier-Media.com Supercharging Your Visions.


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