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Podcaster Central [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Survey of Podcasters: Not Podcasting Yet? Still Podcasting? Achieving Results?Views: 161
Mar 12, 2008 5:36 pm re: Survey of Podcasters: Not Podcasting Yet? Still Podcasting? Achieving Results?

Paige Eissinger
Yes, I was podcasting when I joined Podcaster Central. Views from the Coop started as a tech show for consumers. The format has changed, though. At first, I was podcasting by posting the audio from a local call-in weekly radio show I co-hosted. I left the radio show and continued podcasting via a web-based conference room with a different co-host. That show was interactive much like the radio show since I had an online audience. My online co-host left and for awhile, I tried hosting alone, but I didn't really enjoy it and I also lost my complimentary room. I went BACK on the radio to replace the host of the show I'd previously co-hosted with when he retired, so I started posting audio from that radio show. After about 8 months, the original host un-retired and I gave him back his radio timeslot and started looking for a new online co-host. I found one and together, we started trying out various methods of recording our shows. We used Free Conference Call for awhile (and still do on occasion), then moved to Blog Talk Radio where we still do a bi-monthly show. We do like to do our live shows interactively and can do that with both Free Conference Call and Blog Talk Radio.

With the addition of my new co-host, the show moved from just providing tech information for consumers to providing information for the business community, too. I have also been a guest co-host with a couple of my fellow podcasters who also do tech shows. One of them is even a Mac chick!

I'd like to monetize my podcast, but that's not really the goal. I enjoy providing helpful tech information and trying out new products or reviewing new tech books. We participate in revenue sharing programs with the Tech Podcasts Network and with Blog Talk Radio.

Wow, that was more than just a moment!


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